Two Research Institutes of the CNR (National Research Council of Italy) are actively involved in Circles: CNR IRBIM (Institute for Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnologies) and CNR IAS (Institute for the Study of Anthropogenic Impacts and Sustainability in the Marine Environment). CNR is the largest public research Institution in Italy, the only one under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities. IRBIM’s main research areas include:

a) Biology and ecology of marine organisms;

b) Population structure, connectivity and spatial distribution of the main fish resources;

c) Ecology of marine microorganisms, microbial biotechnologies and bio-prospecting;

d) Innovative technologies for sustainable fishing and aquaculture activities;

e) Observation platforms for the study of marine ecosystems, and sustainable management of marine resources.

The main research areas of IAS include:

a) Human impacts on the marine ecosystem;

b) Dynamics of contaminants in the marine environment;

c) Global changes effects on the conservation of biodiversity and ecophysiology of marine organisms;

d) Management of environmental risks from marine pollution.

More information can be found here:

CNR link:

IRBIM link:

IAS link: