How changes in the soil microbiome can impact our climate, food chains and human health
Another interesting article from CIRCLES project exploring the significance of [...]
Another interesting article from CIRCLES project exploring the significance of [...]
The CIRCLES City Tour concluded its engaging stop in Mazara [...]
How can we study the fish microbiome? The microbiome is [...]
From 26th to 29th of September 2023 7th international conference [...]
On the last 16th of September 2023, the Brussels Museum [...]
Held on June 27th each year, the World Microbiome Day [...]
Welcome back, dear readers! The CIRCLES project published its newsletter [...]
The United Nation’s has designated December 5th as World Soil [...]
How does the microbial life look like on the entry [...]
Scroll down for the Italian version & images of [...]